


It was a water droplet perched precariously shinning out like a golden bead on the green leaf that gave it the point of existence. Existence, well you could say so, and what a marvelous, this one too!!

Did it hang on hope, lifeline or mere science of surface tension, friction, adhesion or just be it? No ponderance or pre ponderance can decide what stood for it, by it or simply held it in that bind.

Binding force in binding space, a constraint or freedom? Who would or could decide when it would precariously hold its stand while the leaf drafted swaying in the mild wind. A swing here and a tilt there, the fluidic motion was quite evident in it all.

While the wind waned in the air around, the transparent yet translucent bead kept holding on to the leaf, all the while. Or was it the leaf playing its prank saying I hold you, but I too can play a prank or two?

The game turned dicey as the leaf swung left and right even as toroidal forces held sway. The exclamatory ooh and awe punctuated the scene labouring to cut the ambient sound and synchronising with the surrounding noises of nature, as if music to ear.

Needless to say, that bead shining bead so bright, was a sight to behold and all the cacophony around, made me enter in to a trance leading my senses to become oblivious of the surroundings. It simply enamored me and kept me bound in suspended animation that I never experienced before.

Does it stand up to my attention that it deservingly or undeservingly gets lavished upon? Why then is this musing over a mere drop? A bead? A water droplet? A molecule of H2O that has a short life of few minutes or seconds while the Sun turns its angst in fiery manner to evaporate it in no time?

Time held it in a bind with the leaf that stood out in my vision to enthrall my mind and heart. Amazing water droplet or cusp of life that stands up to all kinds of situation yet, standing in its own might and right to perforce its existence be it, even for few seconds or minutes to charm and disappear in no time!

Contemplating whether existence or none, was it there and now, no where?




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